Address Tryst Sports Centre Cumbernauld G71 1EW
Competitors: £40 Spectators: free
Weight must be on or under the chosen weight category, but no less than the weight bracket beneath that. (Please note that your submitted weight can be checked at any point by The Snake Pit)
Fly weight 55kg
Bantam weight 59kg
Feather weight 63kg
Light weight 68kg
Welter weight 74kg
Middle weight 82kg
Light Heavy weight 90kg
Heavy weight 100kg
Super Heavy weight over 100kg
Please list your length of time training, experience, the martial arts and sports background that you have and any competitions you have competed in and results:
Name of 1st person to corner you (this must be a coach) and their qualifications and experience.
Name of 2nd person to corner you and their qualifications and experience-not compulsory.
Requirements: JPG or JPEG
(max file size 30 MB)
SP Rules and Regs Booklet